Current research projects

2022-: DRIFT-FH: Digitalisation – Risques – Incertitudes et Fragilités des Technologies associés aux Facteurs Humains (IBISC Scientific Leader)

Objective: study the extent to which the integration of human factors from the design process of information systems and cyberspace and throughout the life cycle of the data on the one hand, and the implementation of target ededucational and training programs, on the other hand, are likely to change the practices of users and thus improve cybersecurity

Keywords: VR, training, Cybersecurity

Funding: ANR PRC AAP 2021

Partners: University of Evry, Fondation Saint-Cyr, UTC, IRBA, InCIAM - PSYCLE

2021-: Show-me: Virtual reality mentee-mentor multimodal collaboration for surgical skills training (PI)

Objective: Designing innovative multimodal and collaborative interaction techniques and user interfaces for a VR telementoring environment for a better transfer of technical medical skills

Keywords: VR, Surgical training, Collaborative interactions,Telementoring

Funding: ANR JCJC AAP 2020

Partners: University of Evry, LabForSIMS, LS2N, LS2N

2020-: Incognitho: INversion temps réel de mesures électro-physiologiques pour le monitoring COGNITif et l'interaction HOmme-machine (PI)

Objective: Designing new signal processing methods for Brain computer interfaces

Keywords: BCI, Signal processing, Deep learning, EEG

Funding: DIM RFSI

Partners: University of Evry, IRBA

2019-: TEDw: Training the Eye to Drive two-Wheeled vehicles (PI)

Objective: Design, development and evalaution of an eye tracking based VR trainer for motorcycle driving

Keywords: VR, simulation, driving, Deep learning

Funding: Dep. STIC, Université Paris Saclay

Partners: University of Evry, Gendarmerie Nationale

Past research projects (see more..)
